Rendering: If Abstinence Applied to Things Other Than Sex

Image sourced from: This comic addresses the fact of how many people, myself included, were taught when it came to sex ed. According to the logic of the teacher in the comic above, since seatbelts and airbags don't always work in preventing injury, the best way to be safe is to not drive. This logic seems quite irrational, as it rules out the option of using common sense like "use your seatbelt and follow the rules when driving to ensure your safety." Sure, this still doesn't stop someone else from driving recklessly and causing harm to you on the road. Should we just stay locked up indoors then? Should we live our lives in fear? Since I will eventually be a teacher in the Catholic school board, I'd like to address things from a Catholic point of view. First of all, I believe that abstinence could be both a bad thing and a good thing, depending on the context. If studen...